Nice to meet you, I’m Rory.

I created Get the Grade to support students in their learning and help people get the best grades that they can in their Sciences.

I want to present the course content for the sciences in a fun and easy-to-understand way. By showing effective study techniques I want to show students that some study techniques are more effective than others, and in turn save students an immense amount of time by avoiding less effective techniques. By learning proven effective techniques, long-term memory of facts can be improved while also improving grades. The flashcards I have made are a classroom and a home study tool that can be a simple way of effectively memorising.

All-in-all, I want more students to be interested in science and do better in exams. That 1% difference that puts someone over the grade boundary can change the opportunities in life that a person may have. All students could do with that extra nudge to aid their academics sometimes, and I just want to give students the tools that they need to reach their potential in their exams.

If you like the website and want to see more content, more subjects and video lessons, please share this resource with friends, family, teachers, colleagues and anyone who you think may benefit from this platform.

I hope that you enjoy my content and I look forward to making more!

- Rory

Experience & Qualifications

  • I am currently working in Glasgow as a junior doctor. Throughout my foundation years I have worked in various areas of medicine including surgery, general medicine, intensive care, general practice and paediatrics.

  • In July 2023 I graduated from the University of Edinburgh studying Medicine.

    Over my time in medical school I built up a plethora of knowledge about human physiology, health and disease. I attend clinical placements in a range of specialties along with undertaking numerous medical research projects.

  • In my third year at Edinburgh University I achieved a 1st Class Honours Degree in Infectious Diseases, with focus on Host-Pathogen Interactions, Epidemiology and Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Infectious Diseases.

  • Experience in lab and analytic research in the Queens Medical Research Unit and Royal Infirmary Edinburgh. Past areas of research include Immunology, Nephrology, Orthopaedics, Neonatology, Neurology and Radiology. My broad research experience has given me expert knowledge within specialised fields of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

    I have presented research at international medical conferences including the British Orthopaedic Association, British Elbow & Shoulder Society and The Neonatal Society conferences.

  • CfE National 5: Chemistry (A), Biology (A), Physics (A), Mathematics (A), English (A), Geography (A)

    CfE Higher: Chemistry (A), Human Biology (A), Physics (A), Mathematics (A), English (A), Music Performance (A)

    CfE Advanced Higher: Chemistry (A), Biology (A), Mathematics (A)

    Grade 8 Drum Kit, Grade 8 Percussion

  • I am an experienced tutor in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. I have a strong focus on teaching “how to learn” information and not just teaching “what to learn”.

    I know the courses inside out through my tutoring experience as well as through building this website.