Everyday Consumer Products
Alcohols and Carboxylic acids are common consumer products. The can also be used in fuels, solvents, soaps and in alcoholic drinks.
The most important aspect of this section is knowing how to name the alcohol and carboxylic acid structures.
Key Points!
This homologous series has a HYDROXYL functional group : -OH
Alcohols can be used as solvents, fuels and in alcoholic drinks.
The names of the molecules end in - anol
As the size of alcohol molecule increases, the solubility of the molecule in water decreases.
Carboxylic Acids
This homologous series has a CARBOXYL functional group: -COOH
Carboxylic acids can be used in medicines, preservatives and soaps.
The end of carboxylic acid names is - oic acid.
As the size of a carboxylic acid molecule increases, the solubility of the molecule in water decreases.