

Here we will break down what makes up your Tupperware, clothes and water bottles: Plastics.

Plastics are polymers. Polymers are molecules that have very long chains of repeating units called monomers.


Naming Polymers

You need to be able to name monomers, polymers and repeating units.

For the molecule polyethanol:

Structure A is the monomer.

Structure B is the repeating unit.

Structure C is the polymer.


Addition Polymerisation

Addition polymerisation occurs when addition reactions occur between monomers to create a polymer.

Starches, proteins and DNA are examples of natural polymers as they are molecules of repeating units.

Key Points!

  • Polymers

    Plastics are polymers. Polymers are molecules that have very long chains of repeating units called monomers.

    You need to be able to identify and name monomers, polymers and repeating units.

  • Addition Polymerisation

    Addition polymerisation occurs when addition reactions occur between monomers to create a polymer.

    Proteins are natural polymers.